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Email: info@yourcpf.org
Understanding Health Assessments
As we watch the last episode of Speechless, Season One, it’s obvious that we have been given a rare and beautiful gift – an incredible look at what it means to live a life with CP. Both for the person and for the family. We hope you feel the same way…
Breaking Down Surgery
Parents are protective. That’s their job. So what happens when your child needs surgery? Not just once, but over and over again. Parents certainly understand the need, each and every time, but it sure doesn’t make the moment any easier…
Unlocking Your Inner Confidence
Everyone has a part of them that feels like an outsider. Everyone has hot buttons: ones that rile you up as soon as you just realize someone is about to say that same…. thing…. again! Everyone has moments they just want to get away from people…
Gaining Independence
This week’s Speechless episode is extra special because not just one, but two of our ambassadors will be on it! Not only Micah Fowler, but Zach Anner in one episode. Wow! Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly be bigger fans of the show…
School Skills
If you want to understand someone’s life, listen to their stories. And we’re certainly learning to understand the DiMeo’s as their story is told each week on Speechless. However, we’re also seeing that for some people with CP, their stories can be harder to tell…
The Developing Brain
In this week’s fabulous and hilarious episode of Speechless, JJ DiMeo heads to, of all places, the supermarket aisle to develop all sorts of clever strategies to assert his independence. Learning to effectively tap into those skills should start early, with a focus on…
Story Telling
If you want to understand someone’s life, listen to their stories. And we’re certainly learning to understand the DiMeo’s as their story is told each week on Speechless. However, we’re also seeing that for some people with CP, their stories can be harder to tell…
Supporting Communication
It’s been energizing – and a bit dizzying – as Speechless has looked at the diverse challenges faced by individuals who struggle with speech. But if there’s one thing we can take away, it’s that addressing these challenges is important. Communication, in any form, is central to life…
Speech Generating Devices
In this week’s episode, JJ goes AAC (Augmented and Alternative Communication)! JJ finally answers the question: “Why do you use Kenneth instead of a speech device?” (And we’re tickled to say that this question is posed by Thomas Ellenson, the son of our CEO…
CP: A Balancing Act
In this week’s episode of Speechless, JJ DiMeo confronts the challenge of loving chocolate too much. It’s a great episode, but it only hints at the many far more difficult challenges in the world of CP…
Practical Challenges
When we think about disabilities, most people often go to the emotional aspects of it. But for families, many issues are in fact simply about logistics! How do you deal with schedules, helpers, adaptations, and getting around? Just who does what?…
See Me, CP & All
If you ask people with disabilities about forming relationships, many will tell you that the biggest challenge is that the world just can’t see them as they are. In fact, one of life’s great journeys is learning to see things with more than our eyes…
CP: The Early Years
So as the DiMeo’s take a road trip this week, we invite you on a parallel trip. We know you’ll appreciate the valuable insights of Dr. Warschausky and Rice as they share their knowledge and experience in the specific physical and challenges of growing up as a child with CP.
The Creative Spirit
Given the many physical challenges associated with Cerebral Palsy, it’s often difficult to stay mindful of a person’s artistic and creative needs. When many individuals are non-verbal, it can also be hard to remember the importance of finding one’s voice…
CP & The Body
Speechless just keeps covering more topics. And that means the series keeps bringing up interesting questions. Like just how does the body with CP work? How can we best understand it? And how can we best support people with CP to achieve their goals…
Disability & Romance
Welcome back. Speechless has certainly created a lot of buzz since last week’s premiere. Not surprisingly, some of that has been about alternative communication. For an individual with complex needs, is always a complex choice.
Recognizing Disabilities
Welcome back. Speechless has certainly created a lot of buzz since last week’s premiere. Not surprisingly, some of that has been about alternative communication. For an individual with complex needs, is always a complex choice.
If you’re familiar with CP, you’re also familiar with the condition's diverse physical challenges and demands. Dealing smartly with one’s body can be complex and elusive. So we want to help make sure you’re educated about some of the best … -
Self Expression
High School is a complicated time. You’ve got to master the discipline that make you good student - and the less obvious stuff that makes you a good friend. It’s an odd dance between appreciating the things that are right … -
Family Dynamics
Growing up in a family affected by CP is like growing up in any family. Except it’s kinda completely different. Every family is defined by the relationships within it: how the family works as a unit, and how each member …