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Go Baby Go

“Go Baby Go,” is a program that provides modified, ride-on cars to young children with disabilities so they can move around independently.
Go Baby Go was founded by Professor Cole Galloway as part of a research project at the University of Delaware but researchers have now trained volunteers in more than 40 communities nationally and internationally with satellite sites all over the world to expand availability.
The modified toy cars give children with mobility disabilities a chance to play and socialize with their peers more easily. Past research has shown that independent mobility is linked to cognitive, social, motor, language and other developmental benefits in young children. Being pushed in a stroller or being carried from one place to another is fundamentally different from having active control over one’s own exploration, which is where the developmental gains are seen.
Beyond mobility and socialization, we hope that the ride-on cars provide children with disabilities a chance to just be a kid.
There are no commercially available devices for children with mobility issues to get around on their own; and power wheelchairs cost thousand of dollars and usually aren’t an option until the children are older. The modified cars provide them independence at a much younger age and at a relatively low cost. The cars run about $100 and the electric switches and other modifications, including seating support and padding, bring the total cost to about $200.
To start your own program or find a contact in your area visit http://www.udel.edu/gobabygo/contact-list.html